Each year, thousands of kids are transformed through the Teach One to Lead One® program across the globe. After the great impact our mentors are making with these young people, hundreds of thousands of kids still remain at-risk. The goal to reach these students is bigger than any of us can accomplish on our own!
Because we are working towards such a big cause, T1L1 loves to partner with other great organizations and groups who are likeminded in changing the lives of hurting youth. Without the schools, mentors, and funds from charitable organizations in Maricopa County, our kids’ lives will not be changed in a positive way!
One of the principles we teach in the T1L1 program is “Teamwork.” We define that as the ability to work together and communicate effectively so that, together, we can accomplish more. This is true at any stage of life and with any goal to accomplish. As we expand T1L1 to a new place in the Phoenix, AZ area, I’m reminded of the importance of this principle.
Teamwork. It’s how we accomplish more. It’s the secret to transforming at-risk kids right here in our neighborhood.